One Man Harmony
I was watching this video of a guy singing harmony to his own A Capella version of I Need Thee O I Need Thee. He did a good job with it, but I kept thinking that it would sound so much better with other singers. He did well and all, but other singers bring such a rich depth that any single person physically can't match. Now, I've always liked this kind of video, but I just wondered if this wasn't an outworking of our extreme individualism. I imagine the hours he spent rehearsing, recording, re-recording, and mixing this video. Then I imagine what it would have been like if he had three other singers with him. The laughter, the time of prayer, the relationship that grows. Maybe he was doing it as a time of personal contemplation. Maybe there simply was no one who wanted or was able to sing with him. But maybe he missed out on something special. What am I missing out on because I am too independent?
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