I'm not going to write too long tonight. I just wanted to publicly thank God for my great family. We went down to visit some more family in the town where my dad grew up. We went to church with everyone who was there (not everyone showed up until later) and we took five whole rows. My grandpa was especially proud because he had "seven kids, nineteen grandkids, and three greatgrandkids who all were in the church." One of my uncles, who is a missionary supported by that church, got up and thanked the people for their work in welcoming in their family and supporting them as they grew up. It was especially touching for all the people that worked in children's ministries and had worked with mixed families. After that we all went out for Chinese food and then took some family pictures. It was interesting because I spent most of my time talking with two cousins that I hadn't been very close to growing up, but now we seemed to get along very well, although I still get along fine with the others. While we were down there we played some volleyball, ping pong, and a hand of canasta. It was a really nice, relaxing time.
Then when we got back to Hillsboro, I got to see one of my best friends since elementary school. We went to a bar and played pool until 1am and talked about what was going on in his life. Since this last summer, he has discovered that God is real, but he doesn't know enough about spiritual matters yet to distinguish what is true and false. So for now he believes in a hodgepodge of Christianity, Buddhism, astrology, new ageism, Christian Science, and pop psychology. I believe that the Spirit is working in his life and I'm really excited because this was the first time I'd ever heard him excited about spiritual issues. Please pray for discernment on his part and that God would use me and other people to seize this formative period and help him to discover the truth.
In Other News...
All of my clothes now smell like smoke and I found another alcoholic drink that I don't care for. I bet that if Jesus were alive today He would smell like smoke a lot.
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