I just heard that there were over a million Christians in India praying for us in this election! God has been good to hear all of our prayers!
We elected a man who honors God with his actions as well as his lips!
We elected six new senators who are pro-family, pro-life!
We protected God ordained marriage in 11 states by voting down homosexual marriage in all the states that had it on the ballot. It even passed overwhelmingly in Oregon, which was the only one it had a shot it.
Christian leaders all over the country have been working themselves ragged to try to get Christians out to vote. Now they are being called by all of the major news services trying to figure out why the number one reason people voted the way they did was these 'morals'. What are those? Pray that they may really learn. I am reminded of a quote by Admiral Yamamoto of WWII Japan. After forcing America into the war he said, "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve." Pray that Chriastians in America may learn that they truly can change things.
In Other News...
I just watched a video of a guy playing a guitar duet with himself. He was playing one guitar with his right hand and one with his left hand. It was a great song and one of the most impress guitar performances I'd ever seen.
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