Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven--for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.
- Luke 7:47
Today in Chapel one of my professors talked about not being very loving because (we feel like) we have not been forgiven much. He read Luke 7:36-50 and, like my prof, I've always identified more with the self-righteous Pharisee than with the sinful woman who wept at Jesus' feet. I grew up in a great Christian home, was never especially rebellious, and always tried to live a God honoring life. But as a result, I have a hard time feeling like I've been forgiven of a lot. I know in my head that I have (I can list off plenty of sins and know that there are tons more that I have forgotten), but still it doesn't often penetrate into my emotions much. Caring for lost and hurting people has come up in a number of recent conversations and a story that I was reading and I know that it is something that needs to be changed. But I also know that I can't change it myself, but need God to give me more of His heart for people. Please pray for me.
"My eyes are dry, my faith is old,
My heart is hard, my prayers are cold,
And I know how I ought to be,
Alive to you, and dead to me.
Oh what can be done, for an old heart like mine?
Soften it up, with oil and wine.
The oil is You, Your Spirit of Love,
Please wash me anew, in the wine of Your blood."
- Keith Green
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