Here's an interesting question: To what one question would you most like to know the answer? No, mine is not the question I just asked. Right now, it is how does God want me to pray. I feel like I learn so much about God and life when I just sit and study my Bible. But that is not praying per se. Other times I will walk or bike and pour my heart out to God, but that is usually in times of strong emotions. So what should regular nightly prayer look like? I know the different plans and methods but they feel like systems more than a relationship. Then I always talk to God in short comments, questions, and praises at various times throughout the day, but those are never on a regular basis. Or how do you sit and listen to God. If I just try to sit down, rid my mind of distractions and listen, I wait for a little while, don't hear anything but my own thoughts, and then start to wonder if God speaks to me like that or if I'm just trying to listen to God that way because other people do. After a few minutes I get up and do something else, right back where I was. The times that I've known God was speaking to me were when I was studying the Bible, and when I prayed then began looking at my options for a decision. People in the Bible (and some today) would hear answers to specific questions on a regular basis. How can I get to that point? How do you hear God? What does prayer look like in your life?
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