Well, true to Caleb fashion, I spent as much time socializing tonight as possible, and then stayed up late packing. In two or three hours, I will be leaving with Billy for Duncanville, Texas. I know that God will provide for everything I need (He has already provided for summer housing, transportation, temporary housing, and the first semester's payment) through prayer alone. I have always been inspired by the story of George Muller, who by prayer alone, built 6 huge orphanages in England and sent out millions of dollars to fund missions around the world. He did all of this by believing that if He only discussed his needs with God (ie never asking anyone for money, directly or indirectly) then God would provide for every need. Basically if its God's work then God would provide. I like that philosophy and I believe I will copy him. I know it will be stretching, but I believe God can cover me.
All of that said, I have faith in God, but still feel sad. I took Renea to the airport this morning so she could visit Ning in New York, then packed my stuff into her car, and then late tonight, out of her car and into Billy's. He was kind enough to offer to take me to Duncanville (not to mention letting me stay in his room for a week or two). Don't worry, I will continue to blog, but please pray for me. I will miss you all very much!
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