
\Lu`cu*bra"tion\, n. [l. lucubratio;cf. F. lucubration.] 1. The act of lucubrating, or studying by candlelight; nocturnal study; meditation. 2. That which is composed by night; that which is produced by meditation in retirement; hence (loosely) any literary composition.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Is there any use for an old Windows 95 era laptop with a docking station? It has a CD-Rom (not a DVD player) can read floppy disks, has speakers, RCA audio surround, and only a modem for internet. I doubt schools would take it because it is too old. I don't need a linux server. The only things I can think of are keyboarding practice for some of my students (although the keys are pretty sticky). But just maybe I can set it up as an overly elaborate amplifier. I cringe at the thought of the mess of wires that it would take, but I think it might work. Shudder.