Yesterday I bought the Lord of the Rings extended edition. Note that this isn't just the first movie, its all three extended versions in their twelve disc glory. Now I find this odd for three reasons. First, I don't actually own a dvd player and would have to borrow someone's in order to watch it. Second, I have no plans to actually watch them in the near future. Third, and most introspectively, this is the first thing that I can remember buying in a long time that is a pure luxury item. Of course, I've gotten coffee occasionally, but its always with the conscious purpose of trying to deepen the friendship. I would never go out by myself to get coffee just because it sounded good. I kinda accidentally got the movie, but that's complicated so I'm not going to try to explain it. Anyways, it feels weird to just buy something because I want it.
In Other News...
I got witnessed to for the second time at work today. Its a good thing we have the Holy Spirit working because their dialogue "Do you know Jesus? Ok, here." and 1970's tracts would not persuade anyone by themselves.
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