
\Lu`cu*bra"tion\, n. [l. lucubratio;cf. F. lucubration.] 1. The act of lucubrating, or studying by candlelight; nocturnal study; meditation. 2. That which is composed by night; that which is produced by meditation in retirement; hence (loosely) any literary composition.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

BeerBike. I just remembered that today was BeerBike but its too late to call and see how it went. I went to Rice's webpage and couldn't find the results, but I did find this documentary about it. Interesting stuff. Beer.Bike.Balloons | A Beer-Bike Documentary

I also found some more Xanga sites for some Rice friends, but I decided not to post links to any ones that haven't been updated in the last three months. So, Julia and Todd, if you want to make it into my prestigious and exclusive list of fellow bloggers, I'm going to need to see some more online activity. And if anyone who actually reads this (please be somebody) ever sees Todd or Julia please tell them that I saw there blog and that I've been thinking about them (even before finding their blogs) and prayig for them. I may be halfway across the country, but in many ways, my heart is still in Texas.

BTW, if you were at BeerBike, post something and tell me how it went.