I just had a good idea. The house that I'm living in (at least for the next week) is being renovated and the owner has contracted a company that, not surprisingly, uses Mexican workers. I was in the kitchen and over heard the landlord ask one of the workers if he knew how to paint, followed by a simple 'no' and then some Spanish dialogue between the workers. The second part of my good idea has to do waking up this morning to the familiar, if not so appreciated, sound of tejano music. It seems to be on whenever the workers are present, essentially so they have something to keep their minds occupied.
So here's my thought. Why not air a broadcast over all of Los Angeles (or Houston or wherever) that would teach English to Spanish speakers? It wouldn't cost them anything. It wouldn't be intimidating. There would be extra work (although I'm sure that if they were intersted you could set up a company to provide them with practice materials for a small price). And I think it would be very popular for all the migrant workers who have lots of hours and little education but would like to do better. It would be similar to those 'Learn Urdu in 21 days' tapes, except that it would go on for months instead of just a few hours. It could have review for most of the time, new material for some of the time, and advanced material for a little bit. You could even do spinoffs on preparing for your US citizenship. It just seems like the low income Hispanic population has a lot of untapped potential. It seems like a good way of showing Christ's love through service to a large group of people.
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