
\Lu`cu*bra"tion\, n. [l. lucubratio;cf. F. lucubration.] 1. The act of lucubrating, or studying by candlelight; nocturnal study; meditation. 2. That which is composed by night; that which is produced by meditation in retirement; hence (loosely) any literary composition.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Today I was reading an article by Time magazine. It was their cover story, 100 of most influential people in the world, categorized by politicians, scientists, entertainers, etc. Some of the people were obvious choices, but some of the people were amazingly missing. Now Time isn't known for being exactly unbiased politically, but I did find it interesting that Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi were all included, but not President Bush. Now who is really more influential, the guy who became president, or the guy who lost to him? The President of the United States, or the Speaker of the House? The man who is the country's leader, or two people who want to be the next leader? It is obvious that none of them are more influential than Bush, which means that the article is titled poorly. I found it interesting that the only conservative politician who they included was Conoleeza Rice. It was still an interesting article.

A few people who I was surprised to find included:
The guy who jumped into the subway to save a stranger, the Chinese man in charge of preparing Bejing for the Olympics, most of the entertainers, Raul Castro, the two guys who started YouTube

A few people who I definitely agreed should be there:
The Pope, Ayatolah Kahmeni, the President of Saudi Arabia, the dictator responisble for the Dafur crisis, Osama Bin Laden

A few people who I thought should have been included:
George Soros, Angelina Jolie, Billy Graham, President Bush, President Putin, Bill Gates, Bono.